Exploring Wabi Sabi


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January 7 & 21, 2025 (Online)

January 11, 2025 (Optional In-Person Field Session)

Online Sessions via Zoom & Field Assignment/Session “Wherever You Are”

Fee: $100

Maximum Attendees: 15






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Wabi-sabi is the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. – Leonard Koren

We live in a world filled with bright and shiny things. We are sometimes led to believe that “new” is best. We look for perfect in an imperfect world. But, wait …

There is freedom in discovering and accepting that nothing is perfect, nothing lasts forever and that having missing or broken parts or pieces is okay. In fact, it is all of these that make us and our world beautiful – once we accept them. Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese concept that  is easy to capture through the lens once we know where to look. Think of patina in metal objects, rust and scraped paint in old cars, scuffed and worn boards of a barn or floor. Consider an elegant teacup with a chip in it, a gathering of wildflowers and grasses arranged haphazardly in an old vase. Even a broken window and fading flowers can be beautiful in their existence.

Join Jamie Konarski Davidson for an educational and inspirational online workshop that provides an opportunity to learn some history of wabi sabi and how we can apply the principles in our life and in our photography. Learn how to find subjects of all kinds that invite you to embrace natural flaws and imperfections, appreciate rustic simplicity and recognize the beautiful impermanence of everything.

While you can participate in and experience the workshop from home or wherever you are, there will also be an optional in-person field session available.


Wabi-sabi is ambivalent about separating beauty from non-beauty or ugliness. – Leonard Koren

As we explore the concept of wabi sabi, you’ll find that it becomes easier to find beauty in the simple, in the imperfections and what might normally be overlooked because of its overwhelming sense of ordinary.

This workshop will challenge those who are all about finding the “perfect” bloom or the flawless landscape. Capturing the essence of beauty in imperfection requires one to “get over” perfection and “embrace the flaws.” The assignment can be completed anytime and anywhere, and the images submitted may be processed however each photographer is led. The primary constraint is that the images created must be new (not pulled from your archives for reinterpretation).


Workshop Policies

Workshop Registration is $100 / person (SPACE LIMITED TO 15)

Online Sessions via Zoom:

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7:00pm – Educational Session & Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 7:00pm – Assignment/Image Review Session

OPTIONAL:  In-Person Field Session (Location TBD) – Saturday, January 11, 2025, 8:30am – 11:30am

Your “Exploring Wabi Sabi” Assignment in the field may be completed wherever you are. No travel necessary.

Email jamie@newlifephotos.com for more information or to register by mail.

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