2022-08-11T14:53:09-04:00July 29th, 2022|Black/White IR, Faux Color IR, Infrared, Infrared Photography, interpretations, Landscapes, Learning Curves, Self-expression, Visual Voice|
2022-06-29T09:00:31-04:00June 29th, 2022|Abstracts, Beauty, Calmness, Challenges, flower photography, flowers, Freedom, Garden Photography, Intention, interpretations, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, No Plans, Passion, perspectives, seasons, Self-expression, Square Photography, Visual Voice|
2022-04-30T18:40:29-04:00April 30th, 2022|Blog, Challenges, Composition, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Intention, Passion, Self-expression, Visual Voice|
2022-03-19T21:24:23-04:00March 19th, 2022|Abstracts, Blog, Calmness, Creative Vision, flowers, Intention, interpretations, Nature, Self-expression, Visual Voice|
2022-01-29T19:44:46-05:00January 29th, 2022|Beauty, Blog, Challenges, Composition, Creative Vision, Creativity, Intention, Passion, perspectives, Self-expression, Visual Voice, winter, winter palettes|
2021-12-19T12:11:10-05:00December 18th, 2021|before and after, Blog, Creative Vision, Creativity, Growing as a Photographer, Intention, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, transformation|
2021-11-29T14:51:22-05:00November 29th, 2021|Beauty, Becoming an Artist, Blog, Composition, Creative Phoneography, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Finding Abstracts, flower photography, Intention, interpretations, Long Exposures, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, Passion, Simplify, Smaller Stories, Visual Voice|
2022-03-19T21:21:47-04:00October 27th, 2021|Blog, Challenges, circular polarizer filter, Creative Techniques, Creativity, Growing as a Photographer, Intention, interpretations, Landscapes, Nature, Nature Photography, Passion, photo accessories|
2021-09-08T11:19:14-04:00September 8th, 2021|Beauty, Blog, Challenges, Creative Vision, Creativity, Intention, Passion, Self-expression, Trust the Process, Visual Voice|
2021-07-29T19:46:49-04:00July 29th, 2021|Beauty, Blog, Challenges, Collector, Composition, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Intention, Passion, Self-expression, Visual Voice|