2019-03-03T22:19:45-05:00March 3rd, 2019|Beauty, Becoming an Artist, Composition, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, flower photography, flowers, Freedom, Growing as a Photographer, HDR, Intention, interpretations, lightbox, Macro & Close-Up, making lemonade, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, Self-expression, still lifes, Topaz Labs, Topaz Studio, Visual Voice|
2019-03-03T14:17:42-05:00February 26th, 2019|Beauty, Becoming an Artist, Challenges, Composition, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Freedom, Growing as a Photographer, Intention, Learning Curves, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, Responsibility, Self-expression, Visual Voice|
2019-01-24T17:28:28-05:00October 5th, 2018|Beauty, Becoming an Artist, Challenges, Composition, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Encouragement, Freedom, Growing as a Photographer, Intention, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, Self-expression, Visual Voice|
2018-10-30T19:29:27-04:00July 24th, 2018|Capturing a Sense of Place, Challenges, Composition, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Intention, Landscapes, Learning Curves, Nature, Personal Journey, Self-expression, Visual Voice, Wide Angle Lenses|
2019-01-23T20:21:45-05:00December 4th, 2017|Beauty, Becoming an Artist, Black/White IR, Capturing a Sense of Place, Challenges, Composition, Creative Phoneography, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Favorite Places, Growing as a Photographer, Infrared, Intention, Landscapes, Long Exposures, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, Self-expression, Travel Photography, Visual Voice, Wabi Sabi|
2017-08-30T01:18:58-04:00August 30th, 2017|Beauty, Black/White IR, Challenges, Composition, Creative Vision, Creativity, Favorite Places, Growing as a Photographer, Infrared, Infrared Photography, Intention, Landscapes, Passion, Personal Journey, Responsibility, Self-expression, Visual Voice, Wabi Sabi|