2024-12-27T20:58:37-05:00December 27th, 2024|Abstracts, Beauty, Blog, Calmness, Creative Vision, Creativity, flower photography, flowers, Intention, interpretations, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Multiple Exposures, Nature, Reflections, Self-expression, Simplify, Square Photography, still lifes, Visual Voice, Wabi Sabi|
2024-10-28T15:32:58-04:00October 28th, 2024|Autumn, Beauty, Blog, Connecting, Creative Vision, Creativity, Ephemeral, Inspiration, Intention, interpretations, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, perspectives, transformation|
2024-09-26T22:46:42-04:00September 26th, 2024|Abstracts, Autumn, Blog, Calmness, Capturing a Sense of Place, Connecting, Creative Vision, Embrace ordinary, Inspiration, Intention, Looking and Seeing, Make time for yourself, Nature, Nature Photography, Personal Journey, Wonder|
2024-08-27T14:58:53-04:00August 27th, 2024|Blog, Challenges, Creative Vision, Creativity, Encouragement, flower photography, Inspiration, Nature, Passion, Self-expression, Simplify, Trust the Process, Visual Voice|
2024-07-31T14:26:05-04:00July 31st, 2024|Absence, Abstracts, Black/White IR, Blog, Choices, Creative Vision, Creativity, Inspiration, Intention, interpretations, Looking and Seeing, Nature, perspectives, Simplify, Square Photography, Visual Voice|
2024-04-29T14:56:33-04:00April 29th, 2024|Abstracts, Calmness, Composition, Connecting, Creative Vision, Creativity, curves, flower photography, flowers, Garden Photography, Intention, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, Nature Photography, Passion, perspectives, seasons, Self-expression, Spring, Square, Textures, Visual Voice|
2024-01-27T09:45:59-05:00January 26th, 2024|Abstracts, Beauty, Blog, Choices, Composition, Connecting, Creative Vision, Creativity, flower photography, flowers, Inspiration, Intention, interpretations, Looking and Seeing, Nature, Personal Journey, perspectives, Smaller Stories, Spring, transformation, Visual Voice|
2023-12-30T11:33:21-05:00December 29th, 2023|Blog, Brush Strokes of Artists, Choices, Connecting, Connecting With Brush Strokes, Creative Vision, Creativity, Encouragement, Inspiration, Intention, Nature, Passion, perspectives, Self-expression, still lifes, transformation, Visual Voice|
2023-09-30T20:54:32-04:00September 30th, 2023|Abstracts, Autumn, Beauty, Blog, circular polarizer filter, Connecting, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, flower photography, flowers, Intention, interpretations, Lensbaby, Nature, Nature Photography, Passion, seasons, Self-expression, Smaller Stories, Square, transformation, Wabi Sabi, Wide Angle Lenses|
2023-06-29T00:01:37-04:00June 29th, 2023|Abstracts, Beauty, Calmness, Connecting, Creativity, curves, Encouragement, Finding Abstracts, flowers, Freedom, interpretations, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, Self-expression, shapes, Trust the Process, Visual Voice|