2024-12-27T20:58:37-05:00December 27th, 2024|Abstracts, Beauty, Blog, Calmness, Creative Vision, Creativity, flower photography, flowers, Intention, interpretations, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Multiple Exposures, Nature, Reflections, Self-expression, Simplify, Square Photography, still lifes, Visual Voice, Wabi Sabi|
2024-09-26T22:46:42-04:00September 26th, 2024|Abstracts, Autumn, Blog, Calmness, Capturing a Sense of Place, Connecting, Creative Vision, Embrace ordinary, Inspiration, Intention, Looking and Seeing, Make time for yourself, Nature, Nature Photography, Personal Journey, Wonder|
2024-04-29T14:56:33-04:00April 29th, 2024|Abstracts, Calmness, Composition, Connecting, Creative Vision, Creativity, curves, flower photography, flowers, Garden Photography, Intention, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, Nature Photography, Passion, perspectives, seasons, Self-expression, Spring, Square, Textures, Visual Voice|
2023-07-27T23:37:44-04:00July 27th, 2023|Abstracts, Beauty, before and after, Calmness, Choices, Composition, Connecting, Creative Techniques, Creative Vision, Creativity, Encouragement, flower photography, flowers, Intention, interpretations, Lensbaby, Make time for yourself, Nature Photography, Passion, perspectives, Self-expression, Square, Square Photography, Textures, transformation, Visual Voice, Wabi Sabi|
2023-06-29T00:01:37-04:00June 29th, 2023|Abstracts, Beauty, Calmness, Connecting, Creativity, curves, Encouragement, Finding Abstracts, flowers, Freedom, interpretations, Nature, Passion, Personal Journey, Self-expression, shapes, Trust the Process, Visual Voice|
2023-05-26T21:13:06-04:00May 26th, 2023|Abstracts, Calmness, Challenges, Choices, Connecting, Creative Vision, Creativity, Encouragement, Expectations, Finding Abstracts, flower photography, flowers, interpretations, Lensbaby, Make time for yourself, No Plans, perspectives, Self-expression, transformation, Trust the Process, Visual Voice|
2023-02-24T11:21:18-05:00February 24th, 2023|Abstracts, Beauty, Blog, Calmness, Challenges, Connecting, Creativity, Encouragement, flower photography, flowers, interpretations, Lensbaby, Nature, Nature Photography, Passion, Personal Journey, seasons, Self-expression, Spring, Still Life Moments, transformation, Visual Voice|
2022-09-28T16:29:46-04:00September 28th, 2022|Abstracts, Black/White IR, Calmness, Challenges, Composition, Creative Vision, Creativity, curves, exploring lines, Infrared, Infrared Photography, Intention, interpretations, Landscapes, Long Exposures, Nature, Passion, perspectives, shapes, Square, Square Photography, Textures, Visual Voice, Wabi Sabi|
2022-06-29T09:00:31-04:00June 29th, 2022|Abstracts, Beauty, Calmness, Challenges, flower photography, flowers, Freedom, Garden Photography, Intention, interpretations, Lensbaby, Macro & Close-Up, Nature, No Plans, Passion, perspectives, seasons, Self-expression, Square Photography, Visual Voice|
2022-03-19T21:24:23-04:00March 19th, 2022|Abstracts, Blog, Calmness, Creative Vision, flowers, Intention, interpretations, Nature, Self-expression, Visual Voice|