August 15-17, 2025
Quail Ridge Clubhouse, Greenville, NC
Pre-Workshop Zoom Meeting (July 29, 2025)
Fee: $450 (Workshop Only)
Maximum Attendees: 6
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August 15-17, 2025
Quail Ridge Clubhouse, Greenville, NC
Pre-Workshop Zoom Meeting (July 29, 2025)
Fee: $450 (Workshop Only)
Maximum Attendees: 6
In stock
When the best words to describe the heat of summer are “steamy and sweltering,” who wants to be out shooting? And, if you’re out photographing and struggling to stay cool and dry while dripping sweat, how much fun is that? Well, here’s a workshop that allows you to have fun learning new ways to photograph in a cool, fun environment! Best of all, you’ll be free to sleep in, and not worry about missing an alarm ringing at “O Dark 30.”
Join Jamie Konarski Davidson in August and learn all about shooting with a light box and light tent, using black backgrounds, light painting and working with still life subjects and playing with light to tell smaller stories. We’ll cover a variety of backgrounds, finding props, working with light and creative techniques such as Pep Ventosa, ICM and multiple exposures. Learn how to arrange your subjects in each situation for the most impactful compositions. There will be oodles of flowers and props for you to play with and plenty of time to practice and play in comfort. (Bring some special things from home to create even more meaningful images.)
Prior to the hands-on sessions, there will be an online Zoom instructional session that shares how to create images indoors followed by hands-on sessions – INSIDE and COOL. When you leave this workshop, you’ll have the knowledge to do this at home when heat or cold or rain or any other weather or situation keeps you inside. You’ll be able to work on your macro and close-up and lighting skills. If you have a Lensbaby, bring it with you. As a Lensbaby Trailblzer and owner/collector of almost all the Lensbabies, Jamie has experience with all the favorites. A selection of loaners are available for Nikon, Canon & Sony. (If you have a Lensbaby, bring them with you. This is a great opportunity to practice and learn.)
In addition to the learning and doing, we’ll also share post-processing techniques such as using textures, image blending and more to move your images to the next level. With this workshop, you get the best of both worlds – Opportunities to get out of the house and play with your camera, learn new techniques and have fun while doing. We’ll even have image sharing at the end of last session.
Workshop Registration is $450 / person (SPACE LIMITED TO SIX)
Hands-On Sessions held in the Clubhouse at 1857 Quail Ridge Road, Greenville, NC 27858
Lodging is available at local Greenville, NC, hotels.
Hands-On Sessions at Quail Ridge – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm, Saturday, 9:00am – 4:00pm and Sunday, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Pre-Workshop Zoom Meeting tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, July 29, 2025, at 7:00pm. There will be a recording available for those not able to attend. You do not need to have a macro lens for this workshop, but it would definitely come in handy for flowers and some set-ups.
Email for more information or to register by mail.